About Us
A Message from the CEO |
Mr.Toko Hashimoto, Our Chairman who started a construction business after being a marine engineer, independently developed this world first unique air conditioning and ventilation system using renewable underground energy with human health, impact on environment and reducing manmade energy usage in mind. At the time of introduction in 1988, he struggled to convince people how the system can improve their life. They even thought he was odd and dreaming but the benefits had been gradually recognized by those who concern about global warming, sick-house syndrome, energy crisis after nuclear plant accident etc. Now Geo Power System has become the most popular air conditioning system using underground energy installed in Japan. There are more than 1,600 installations in various buildings including residential houses, public buildings, factories, schools, retail stores, agricultural greenhouses etc. Geo Power System had received many awards like Minister of Environment award, Good design award and so on. It was also selected as one of a “Quality with a Japanese flair” by MOFA together with other prestigious technologies like Hybrid car and “Shinkansen”. They were chosen as systems which realized Japan’s spirit of “Omotenashi” in products – Japan brand. Unlike other air conditioning system, Geo Power System provides you with unique experience of feeling fresh and clean gentle breeze. Please join us in utilizing natural energy smartly to create wonderful living space and making our blue planet revitalized.